Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are You Really Happy ?

What is the definition of happiness?
Ask yourself.

Is it all required to become happy. If we remain happy we shall be enjoying good health, we shall be in a position to work more efficiently. This certainly shall help us to achieve our goal.

Let us check are we really happy ?

Well, let us have look in to our lifestyle and see how we become happy.

A child become happy when she gets his favorite toy or when taken to her favorite amusement park.

A teenager remains happy when he / she finds himself within his/her friends circle.A lover becomes happy when she is with her love.

How we become happy? It depends, what we are looking for. Some think they will be happy if they get enough money. Some think when they will reunite with their dear one.A businessman think he shall be happy when his business shall climb a new peak.

A job seeker when gets his job.
A employee when gets his promotion.
A salesman when makes a big sales or achieve some target.
An athlete achives something remarkable like winning a gold medal in Olympics.

So more or less our happiness is associated with some or the other material achievement.Unfortunately none of us exactly don't know what we are looking for. Say if you think you shall be happy if you get enough money.What is that enough money? Is it few hundred bucks or few thousand bucks or a million or billion bucks.If you have thousand bucks you may be looking for million or if you have a million you may be looking for billion.So simply wish has no limit. If you get some you wish for more. So you are not satisfied.

If you look up you can find many people making much more than you. You wish to make more than them so that you can have similar luxury that those people are enjoying.Till you don't get those your happiness is snatched.

Have you ever thought there are huge mass who makes less money than you.Many of them are still happy. How is it possible that a daily laborer is so happy that he sings song even when his stomach is filled with dry breads.While you are not happy with buttered bread with your favorite dish.

Try to learn from the daily wager. Try to learn from all those who are happy. Look at them they are happy as they have got enough money or enough achievement. I never say be satisfied with less or your progress.Remain determined stick to your goal. Get them by dedication and determination.

Well, than how to become happy. If you are in the process to complete a big project.Instead of having a party at the end. Divide it in to three or four part and have a small party at the end of each part and be happy that you have finished a step towards a big achievement. Imagine that in this process you shall be finishing your big project. Imagine that you are going enjoy all those that you shall get after completion of the project.

The simplest way to become happy is just be happy to remain happy.

Our mind is a logistic mind do we need a logic to be happy.What is the logic when we have not achieved anything.

I don't have a magic formula.If you have got an increment of 4000 bucks in your salary there are reason that you shall be happy and there are reason that you shall not be happy.If your college has got more than you than you shall not be happy. If you learn that your neighbor has got 3000 more that you may feel happy that you have got more. It is up to you.

One thing for sure you can't change what has already happened but you know if you remain happy, dedicated and determined and concentrate on your work you can preform better than your past.Than why should look at the dark side of your past why not look at the bright side and feel happy.

I can give you a simple clue. Try to analyse and try to find out some better part of an unfortunate incident.If you are injured in an accident be happy that you are saved without any fatal injury or may be almighty had a favor for you to save.

Always feel like that you are going to achieve your goal. Always set a goal which is achievable. Don't have only a very long term goal rather with a long term goal always have some short term goal.

Always try to find some reason to praise yourself. Praise for your sincere effort praise for your dedication.You want to hear praise from others. You can can't control them. They may or mayn't admire your work.At least you know what you have you have done. Praise your self and always feel that your sincere effort shall give you the real success.

Be happy and make other happy.

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